If you really think about it… everything you want in life… everything worth anything in life requires BUILDING. Your home – it required BUILDING to get to the stage of being liveable. Your business – if you want it to be successful… you have to BUILD IT. It takes time. It takes effort. Your relationships… of all kinds… friends, family, romantic relationships… they require BUILDING. Building of trust. Building of respect. It also takes time, and effort. Your own mental strength and physical health… they both need constant BUILDING to get better. You really have to put in the time, consistently to be a better human being… in ALL AREAS. ALL of these things require EFFORT. And all of these things won’t last unless you build STRONG FOUNDATIONS. If you want to live in a home that was built with no effort or care, chances are it will crumble on top of you. ANYTHING WITH WEAK FOUNDATIONS will eventually crumble! If you care about your business you need to put the effort in. You must buil...
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